Website Design
Designing, building and writing the software for IoT hardware that can remotely monitor something, and report the information back over the internet is only part of the solution – |as without a means of viewing that information in a manner that makes sense, the data is useless. Winter & Smith can also design you a complete internet-based monitoring platform, that:
- Collects and collates the information collected remotely
- Displays the information in a manner that makes sense
- Creates graphs and tables to illustrate system function
- Analyses the data, and automatically generate alarms and notifications to users
- Produce reports and PDF information
- Ensure compliance with regulations and policies
- Manage users / customers / sites
- Analyse data, and solve potential problems before customers are aware there may be an issue
- Create and manage service & maintenance plans
- Ensure that you are providing pro-active support, rather than reactive support
Website for monitoring walk in fridges and freezers
List of various sites colour coded to match their current status.
Whilst a large number of the web systems/servers that we build are IoT systems, that are remotely managing plant and machinery – we do also offer bespoke internet system designs for customers. One such customer was unable to find a cost-effective solution for developing an internet based compliance system – and as a result, we developed the Heart System. The Heart compliance system was built specifically for managing building maintenance and compliance schedules. The system manages information on buildings/sites that are looked after by an Operations Team. Features include:
- Managing of Building Work schedules
- Control of Maintenance Schedules
- Ability to add/manage Key equipment Maintenance schedules
- Control of the building workflow
- Generation of compliance reports
- Online operator H&S inductions and training
- Contractors’ notified if training is out of date, or nearing expiration
- Critical information notification for users
The system is configured so that there different levels of access apply to different end users depending on their system usage.
Page showing each available contract.